Supporting client staffing needs
Talent Acquisition
Critical to every project’s success, is the recruitment of key personnel and the management of suitably qualified and motivated people. At GEE, we fully understand the importance of delivering the right workforce into the right positions at the right time, whilst continuously partnering with clients to mitigate project delays, unwanted costs and improving efficiencies.
Staffing Services

Managed Solutions & Services

Staffing & Recruitment Services

Mobility Visa Services (Expat and Regional Expat)

Payroll Services and Contractor Management & Care

Staffing & Recruitment Services
Temporary / Contractor Placements
A reliable, cost-effective and proven contract workforce solution saves clients time and money by hiring the very best temporary / contract placements as and when needed.
Permanent / Direct Hire Placements
GEE provides permanent / direct hire placement solutions across numerous engineering and technical Industries.
By partnering with client organisations, setting clear expectations and defining simple service level agreements (SLA’s) to govern the hiring process; GEE pricing models are produced and delivered to be competitive, flexible and scalable.
Payroll Services and
Contractor Management & Care
Enabling client companies to focus on core activities, project deliverables and reduce in-house payroll costs; GEE offers payroll services and contractor care and management, in a compliant, visible and timely manner, always.
GEE ensures employee and contractor well-being and peace of mind by taking care of logistical and administrative requirements prior to, during and post assignments.
Mobility Visa Services
Developing global mobility (expat & regional expat) strategies to support clients’ business objectives, the GEE model is to guide, direct and manage the multilayer complexities of deploying an international workforce. Immigration; mobilization, payroll, tax, accommodation, transportation and relocation services, forms part of GEE’s overall capabilities.
Managed Solutions & Services
GEE tailor variable solutions and services to match project requirements & scopes. From a full recruitment process outsource (RPO) initiative to a managed agency service (MSA) program, our value proposition is to collaborate with clients to reduce costs whilst improving efficiencies & deliverables.
Providing consulting services to
client projects and operations
GEE’s highly experienced professional consultants provide expert advice into major development projects and operations in the region. GEE local consultants are supported and backed by the expertise of the GEE project consulting group of companies. Extensive consultancy experience in providing expert advice for major construction projects, operations and government sectors and initiatives include:

Engineering & Construction



Site Contamination

Water & Management

Cleaner Production


HR Consultancy

ICT Consultancy

Engineering & Construction
GEE provides advice on new construction projects, including design, engineering, project management, licenses / permits, construction supervision, labour workforce management and sub-contracting.
GEE has a long history in Asia of providing Safety Consulting, Management and Training to major construction projects. Examples include:
- One of the world’s largest copper mining construction projects in Mongolia, where GEE has supplied Safety Superintendents, Safety Managers and Safety Inspectors.
- More than 100 projects in various countries where GEE employed Safety Superintendents, Inspectors and Supervisorsas part of the GEE project team.
- GEE provides safety training to assigned personnel, prior to their commencement onto various client construction sites and projects.
GEE has an original background in Environment Management Consulting and continues to provide this service as one of the core competencies. Examples include:
- Site Environment Assessments, Environment Impact Statement Reports and Environment Management Plans for corporate investors, international financing organisations, governments and factory owners in China, Australia and internationally.

Site Contamination
GEE conducts site contamination assessments, prepares site contamination management plans and remediation plans and management of site clean-up.

Water Management
GEE provides consulting advice, assessment, technology and management plans for wastewater treatment, water purification and water resource management.
Cleaner Production
GEE provides advice on cleaner production i.e. how to reduce waste and use fewer resources for factory operations. Cleaner production manufacturing processes use fewer resources for the same amount of product while resulting in reduced waste emissions including air emissions, waste water, waste liquid, gaseous emissions and solid waste. Reduced valuable resources include water, raw materials, fuel and power. Cleaner production processes also result in lower production costs for products.
GEE provides geologist teams for mineral exploration and oil exploration. GEE also for mineral exploration and oil exploration. GEE also carries out geological assessment of foundation requirements for new construction projects.
Provision of personnel for consultancy services for geophysical data acquisition, data processing, seismic modelling, geomatics.
HR Consultancy
The provision of human resource consultancy services, such as workforce management, recruitment strategies such as managed agency initiatives and outsourcing activities, to include bench-marking of client organisation, remunerations and job descriptions & gradings.
ICT Consultancy
Operating as a Business Process Outsourcing company, GEE provides excellent services to achieve better customer experiences by delivering ICT solutions and helping organisations achieve their goals.
Services provided include:
- Digital Strategy & Transformation
- Desktop Application Development Services
- Web Application Development Services
GEE provides professionally managed teams for on-site delivery of client services
Factory Construction
GEE provides the complete service for project management of new factory construction projects. GEE’s Project Manager and Project Management teams manage the design, permitting, construction, fit out and commissioning. To date completed projects include:
- an Admin Centre and Pilot Plant building for a leading US sealants manufacturer, Shanghai, China.
- sintered metals factory, Shanghai, China.
GEE provides Safety Management for major construction projects, including Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Mining and Construction industries. Examples include:
- A Lubricant Additives factory construction project in Jiangsu Province, China, where GEE was contracted by the project owner to take full responsibility for Safety Management for the project.
- A major Petrochemical construction project in Nanjing China, where GEE provided to the PMC a safety management team of 25 personnel with the complete range of safety management expertise. Safety Policies and Safety Management Plans.
Management Services



Supply of Industrial Equipment & Tools

Camp Services & Management

Mechanical/ Vehicle/
Electrical/ Maintenance
GEE provides management and technician teams with workshops for mechanical maintenance, vehicle maintenance, electrical maintenance.
Camp Services
& Management
GEE provides management services for construction camps including maintenance, housekeeping, catering.
Supply Of Industrial
Equipment & Tools
GEE currently supplies mining equipment and tools from China and Australia to Mongolia. GEE is looking for more opportunities to provide equipment and tools in other markets.